At-Home Teeth Whitening for the Busy Mom!
/Finding the Time to Teeth Whiten.
One thing I constantly struggle with is TIME.. When do I find the time to take care of me? My world is constantly revolving around my children, my husband and my work. Which I love! BUT making me a priority is something that I'm learning has to be a conscious a decision. I have loved growing my blog these past few years but one thing I'm always self-conscious about is my smile. So this year I decided to do something about it!
Sensitive Teeth Whitening Options.
There are a lot of options when it comes to teeth whitening but I needed something that was going to work with my sensitive teeth and busy lifestyle.
- Strip whitening haven't worked for me in the past, they don't stay in place well and that can lead to spotty-whitening.
- Charcoal whitening has been super trendy lately, but after doing some research I found a lot of information that said charcoal whitening was very abrasive and caused long term damage to your enamel and gums, ouch!
- LED whitening done by professionals seemed to be popular but I just didn't have the time and work in into my schedule consistently.
- Tray whitening became my clear option, its what my dentist had recommended and finding a company that does at-home tray teeth whitening was a huge win! Tray whitening does take a little more time & consistency, but it doesn't damage your enamel or gums and the trays are fitted to your teeth so theres no chance of spotty-whitening!
The Process of Teeth Whitening.
Ordering your at-home teeth whitening system is super easy! There are options for sensitivity, along with levels of stains! Options range from $139-$169 depending on what options you choose, and I've got a special code to receive 15% off your kit! The trays are so simple and easy to mold, and my daughter thought it was fun to watch. They give you a pre-paid envelope to ship in your molds. Then lastly, you'll get your trays back and begin whitening! I added my whitening into my morning routine after breakfast 1-2 times a week and saw results within a few weeks!
My teeth are so much more evenly white, I had yellowing along my gum lines and problem spots all over (from all of the coffee & red wine I drink, no doubt). I'm so much more confident with my smile now and can't thank Smile Brilliant enough for such an easy and covienient teeth whitening process!
Smile Brilliant Giveaway!!
For all of you my friends, I've teamed up with Smile Brilliant to host a giveaway! The winner will receive a $149 credit towards your starter kit! Use THIS link here to enter the giveaway! Or you can use code: MEAGANKLUDT15 to receive 15% off storewide when you visit Smile Brilliant!
Let me know what you use for teeth-whitening in the comments below!
#smilefearlessly @smilebrilliant