DIY | Simple Cake Decor
/What you'll need
- Two Skewers
- Bakers Twine
- Washi Tape
- Scisiors
- Permement Pen
- Cut 2 pieces of bakers twine both one foot long & 13 one inch washi tape.
- Wrap five pieces of tape around the first strand of twine starting at the center and working your way out. Do the same with the remaining tape on the second strand of twine.
- Cut a V out of the bottom of each piece of tape, and write 'happy birthday' using a permenent pen.
- Tie your first strand to each skewer, followed by the second strung slightly lower. & place skewers into cake!
I added a spare craft letter 'S' to the cake for my nephew Steven. Happy Birthday Steven!
DIY | simple cake decor | The Winemakers Wife